Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center

You are here: Home ->Frequently Asked Questions -> How frequently do I need to come to benefit from treatment?

How frequently do I need to come to benefit from treatment?

For most chronic cases, patients need treat once a week. However, if patients feel severe pain, they should treat twice a week. In most acute cases, patients need treatment twice a week. However, for some severe pain and illnesses, the patients need treat every other day. . In general, acute conditions require fewer treatments than chronic conditions.

The number of treatments depends on the severity and nature of the complaint and on the individual patient. It also depends on the individual acupuncturist’s experience. The more experience the acupuncturist has, the fewer the acupuncture sessions that are needed. Please feel free to call us to discuss your concerns and a possible plan of treatment.

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Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center, LLC
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
7306 Wise Ave.
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
Phone: (314) 600-3144  
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